Menopause is a natural event, which takes place when a woman stops menstruating for a period of direct twelve months. You should eat lots of fruits an [...]
A balanced diet and proper amount of nutrients can help in balancing the hormones during menopause. You should eat variety of food which contains nutr [...]
A sudden feeling of warmth usually on the neck, face and chest are called hot flashes. Hot flashes generally take place due to menopause, which is a p [...]
Hot flashes are also a symptom of menopause as this is a sudden heat which occurs in the upper part of the body. It affects the body directly as the c [...]
Stress is the most common reason for the problems behind your health. Stress can affect a women’s reproductive health in a very negative way. The stre [...]
Endometriosis is a painful disorder in which the tissue that normally lines inside the uterus-extends outside your uterus. It generally affects the re [...]
Hormonal birth control is a method which helps in preventing eggs from being released from the ovaries thickens the cervical mucus so that the sperms [...]
Menopause is when women stops menstruating for one year. Menopause varies from women to women and can cause many changes in your body. Menopause usual [...]
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a syndrome or a disorder common in the women who are at the stage of reproductive age (15-44 years). In this ovari [...]
Being pregnant and delivering a newborn baby brings lots of mixed emotions. And you don't understand whether to be happy, sad or angry. You may be see [...]