

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Period Problems

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (also known as PCOS) is an issue related to hormones in women. It mainly in their childbearing years, which is fifteen to forty-four years of age. Studies show that nearly 2 to 25 percent of women face this condition. The main problem lies in detecting it, because most of the women do not know when they need diagnosis for this condition. In this state, women release more than the normal amount of male hormones, which causes menstrual imbalances. This condition arises mostly due to genetics, resistance to insulin, and inflammation. Possibility of pregnancy also becomes a question for PCOS patients. Succeeding health issues include baldness, hair on face, diabetes and heart complications.


Although birth control pills and other drugs can improve the condition, the result is not long-term. Experts perform pelvic tests, blood examination and ultrasound analysis to evaluate the right course of treatment. Doctors prescribe medications and lifestyle changes to improve the condition.


Ovarian cysts

Small sacs of fluid which develop in ovaries are called ovarian cysts. Women grow at least one during their lifetime.In many cases these do not cause any pain but seldom there are serious problems. There are mainly two types of cysts: follicle and corpus luteum. Follicle cysts are formed when a sac does not break and discharge an egg. On the other hand, corpus luteum cysts arise due to the inability of follicle sacs to dissolve after the release of an egg. In this case, extra fluid is developed inside the sac resulting in cyst. The symptoms include swelling of the abdomen, pain during bowel movements, menstrual and pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. Extreme signs can be dizziness, fever and rapid breathing.


Routine examination is necessary in this situation. Most of the ovarian cysts get resolved themselves but in exceptional cases, treatment might be essential. Pelvic examination and ultrasound analysis is recommended. Birth controltablets, laparoscopy and laparotomy are the common methods to treat cysts in the ovary.


Heavy periods (menorrhagia)

Even though heavy bleeding during periods is a common occurrence, many women do not realize when the blood flow exceeds the normal limit. Due to cramping and massive blood loss, completing daily activities is not possible during menorrhagia. Women who are doubtful regarding the possibility of facing this issue should consult their doctor. Symptoms of heavy periods are those of anemia like tiredness, short breathing, or fatigue. Experts say that the reasons behind menorrhagia are hormonal imbalances, improper functioning of the ovaries, polyps, etc. Cancer can also be a contributing cause to this condition.


Checkups like blood tests, pap tests, ultrasonography, and endometrial biopsy are prescribed by the doctor. Further tests like hysteroscopy and sonohysterography might. Diagnosis is done only when other possibilities are not suspected. Contraceptives, oral progesterones, tranexamic acids and hormonal intrauterine devices are common treatments. Doctors may advise the intake of iron supplements to solve any possibility of anemia.



The inability to conceive a child, even after trying for more than a year, is a condition known as infertility. There are many signs which indicate infertility like irregular menstruation, pelvic infections, uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, etc. History and physical analysis, transvaginal ultrasound, HSG, semen examination, and laboratory testing are some of the checkups a doctor advises. Reasons behind infertility can be either advanced maternal age, ovary disorders, blockages, fibroids, or polyps. Sometimes the cause behind the condition cannot be evaluated but nevertheless, there are treatments which give hope to the patients.


Educating the people about the processes and expected time of relief will help them in making the right choice. Numerous medications and drugs are available for promoting egg development, which solve the case many times. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most sure-shot process of tackling infertility as it has an incredible success rate.


 Treatment of fibroids

Non-cancerous tumors which grow from the muscles of the womb are called fibroids. In size, they can be as small as a bean or large like a melon. Technical terms for them are myomas and leiomyomas. These tumors are of three types: intramural, subserosal, submucosal, and cervical. Symptoms of fibroids are menorrhagia, constipation, repeated urination, labor problems, miscarriages, pregnancy issues, etc.

For its diagnosis, doctors do ultrasonography, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and an MRI. These tests help in analyzing the conditionentirely. If the fibroids do not affect daily life, treatments are not necessary for the patient. Heavy periods can be solved by birth control pills or other drugs, but if they don’t, the patient should contact a doctor. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist shrinks the fibroids, easing the case. Surgeries include myomectomy, hysterectomy, MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery, etc. depending on the situation.


Treatments for endometriosis and pelvic pain

Endometriosis is the adhesion and growth of stroma and endometrial glands outside the uterine cavity. The condition leads to tumor in the body as the legions grow constantly and affect the physiological processes of the person. It leads to the formation of scar tissue, swelling and unbearable pelvic pain. Signs of endometriosis are intestinal pain, fatigue, painful menstrual cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Regular visits to the doctor will help in identifying the condition before it gets serious. Laparoscopy can also help in the biopsy of the concerned tumor. Before a surgery, doctors evaluate the samples taken from the tests. Although operation is not the only solution, discussing with the doctor is recommended about the future steps to be taken and other examinations, if necessary.



The section of medical science which deals with the well-being of the female reproductive systems (and the breasts) is called gynecology. Also known as “the science of women”, it is the exact opposite of andrology, which deals with issues of male reproductive system. Almost every gynecologist is an obstetrician as often their subject matter intersects. The body parts which come under gynecology are fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, vagina, and cervix. This field is related to the changes in the body of a woman from her puberty, also including the menopause phase. Gynecologists also treat bacterial and yeast infections, unbalanced and agonizing menstruation and other conditions which may require surgery. Pap tests and pelvic exams are also performed by the specialists. Infertility issues, contraception, discomfort in the breasts, genitals or the uterus are also looked after these experts.