Patient with symptoms of bleeding on & off since 6 months & pain in lower abdomen ( tummy) . Sonography showed suspicious mass of 8 × 7 cm ove [...]
For normal delivery patient herself has to take efforts. Low stress levels, regular walk , yoga & deep breathing exercises throughout pregnancy pr [...]
Meditation plays an important role in pregnancy. Helps to calm down the mind & body, helps to face the challenges of pregnancy. Deep breathing is [...]
Laparoscopic hysterectomy at Pushp Gynae Indore (TLH, key hole surgery). Patient discharged after 48 hours, traveled outstation after 5 days.
Painless normal delivery at Pushp Gynae Centre Indore. Patient with history four years Infertility, conceived after treatment and delivered a healthy [...]
A 75 years old female from Neemuch presented to us following a fall and broken femur. She had already undergone a partial hip replacement there about [...]
Happy mother with healthy baby, outcome of high risk pregnancy. Patient came from Khandwa was refused Cesarean there because of her heart disease, chr [...]
Patient with history of Infertility of 5 years had a polyp inside the uterus. Polyp was removed via Hysteroscope. After two months patient conceived [...]
12 years female patient with Breast Lump, Fibroadenoma non-cancerous breast tumor. Surgery done almost bloodless and aesthetically no visible scar. Co [...]
A 55 yrs old male from Dewas suffering for last 10 years from bilateral hip Avascular necrosis, not able to walk at all underwent bilateral total hip [...]