These days preference is of less invasive surgeries. So laparoscopy (key hole surgeries) being done for most of the indicated surgeries. Advantages - [...]
In the human skeletal system, the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint. The movement of shoulder allows you to rotate, take the hand forwards and b [...]
Most of the people have heard of the words obstetrics and gynecology, or the abbreviated version of it most popularly known as OB-GYN, but usually man [...]
Poor posture can lead to many health complications such as low back aches and pains, acute lumbago, acute muscle spasms, fatigue, Prolapsed Inter Vert [...]
Many women suffer from heavy flow and cramps during menses, which is known as Menorrhagia. Due to Menorrhagia u need to change the pads frequently and [...]
In the course of recent decades, the medicinal field has seen an ascent in negligibly intrusive medical procedure systems overall claims to fame. New [...]
An obstetrician usually performs the pelvic laparoscopic surgeries on patients if needed. Pelvic laparoscopic surgery is done to obtain a biopsy and t [...]
Dr Sheela Chhabra, Gynaecologist at Pushp Clinic Indore, in a discussion with prestige college students on the topic "Polycystic Ovarian syndrome". Sh [...]
Doctors that deal with pregnancy and issues relating to pregnancy such as childbirth, infertility, and abortions etc are known as obstetricians and gy [...]
Gynecologists are the doctors that attend to women and their lady problems. They offer advice and suggestions on how to maintain the regular working o [...]