Tips from an orthopaedic expert

orthopedic surgeon in indore

According to orthopaedic doctor in Indore vijay nagar, the following tips are very helpful to people:

  1. Stay active: Having an active life is the best way to avoid all sorts of health problems in life. Avoid strenuous activities if your body cannot endure them, and do not forget to stretch on a consistent basis before exercising.
  2. Eat right: The choice of our food dictates our health. Fast food and oily stuff should never be taken in excess, instead one should choose fruits for binge eating. Green veggies should be an integral part of everyone’s balanced diet, as advised by orthopaedic doctor in indore.
  3. Develop healthy habits: Your habits will define your life. They will lay the foundation for a long-term healthy life. Do not put stress on your body, and take support whenever necessary.


Categories : Orthopaedics