Gynecologists are the doctors that attend to women and their lady problems. They offer advice and suggestions on how to maintain the regular working o [...]
Laparoscopic surgery is the surgery of the abdomen where it’s organs are examined with a long thin tube with a light of high intensity and a camera of [...]
The term obstetrics stands for the study and practice of surgeries relating to childbirth and during pregnancy. Postnatal care also comes under an obs [...]
Gynaecology is a medical profession that involves the reproductive system of a woman and it’s care. A gynaecologist is a highly experienced person in [...]
Becoming a mother is the moment when all of life's battle suddenly seems worth fighting for & Pushp Clinic helps the mothers to win [...]
A father has received an unbelievable life-changing gift from his son on his birthday that is Knee Replacement. In Indore, a son has gifted a knee rep [...]
Done in a patient with 10 × 10 × 10cm cervical blood..... difficulty occurred in taking out the baby but came out successfully with a little lateral i [...]
I see a lot of young individuals with low back pain and somewhere in the process of history taking and clinical examination this question usually pops [...]
Patient with symptoms of bleeding on & off since 6 months & pain in lower abdomen ( tummy) . Sonography showed suspicious mass of 8 × 7 cm ove [...]
For normal delivery patient herself has to take efforts. Low stress levels, regular walk , yoga & deep breathing exercises throughout pregnancy pr [...]